Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Springtime In My Little Piece Of The Mojave

As much as spring whispers to me of the scorch of summer just around the corner, I can't help but be captivated by the beauty of the season. I don't have to go far to enjoy the colors and sounds of the season of renewal.

Patio pots come alive...

Flowers all over the yard...

And sounds of my feathered friends can be heard from morning till night:-)

Spring is here!


  1. The cactus aren't quite ready to bloom here, but your cactus flowers are beautiful! They bring so much color to the desert! It's amazing to see how much beauty and life there really is in such a dry place.
    Love your new blog! I'm looking forward to following your desert adventures!

    1. I've been contemplating a blog for a long time. Finally decided to jump in. I love your blog and adventures. So fun to read:-) Thank you for the encouragement! Still trying to figure it all out!

      It is definitely the cactus flower season here. Love it!

  2. All your bright blooms and birdies singing their hearts out!
    Happy place for sure.
    Not to mention the warmth...OH THE WARMTH!
    Bring it on... ;)

    1. Hah! I am just the opposite now than when I lived in the mountains. I was frozen from Sept thru April. Couldn't wait for summer. Now I love winter and dread summer. Go figure!

    2. Grass is greener...
      Really, i would rather be too hot than too cold.
      It's been snowing here for three has tapered off today. But, more on the weekend.
      COME ON!! It's practically MAY! :/

    3. I can't take direct sunlight anymore, so it's rough out here when it starts getting really hot. The winters out here are perfect though.
      I don't think I could do Wyoming winters. It's just too cold.
      Ironically my favorite places are always extreme weather;-)!
