Saturday, May 7, 2016

One-Night Stand

Trying to find a way to survive tent camping again. Meet Big Agnes...She came with that name.

We reserved this spot weeks ago and could only get it for one Friday night. Worked out fine since Black Rock Canyon's close to home. Just a trial run to see if we could easily camp out of the Jeep. 

Psyching myself out...! This ain't no big thing.

Mike and our camping buddy Lon hanging out.

Enjoying the sunset. 

Next day

Even sleeping on an 18" air mattress I wake up achey & sore. Didn't have much time to think about it as I rolled out of the tent and went home to feed the dogs. Headed back  and watched the guys break camp. The experiment gave me some hope. Just need to keep working on some the sticking points. I want to be able to stay in some of the more remote areas where the RV won't go.  

My Reward: Fresh pitted cherries, Patron Silver and Cointreau make for a yummy spring margarita.



  1. Hmmmm....I could go for the margarita but I'm a little iffy on the camping. Maybe if I were 20 years younger.
    But it looks like you've got the right frame of mind and some awesome country to camp in. Have fun!

    1. This morning was rough. Not sure I would have made it if we were camping 2 nights. Not giving up yet though:-)

  2. "rolled out of the tent and went home to feed the dogs." Hahaha!!!!
    (Convenient camping)That made me laugh. You might as well have pitched Agnes in your yard!
    But seriously, I think once you guys find some super remote places, with no one else around but the big ol sky and'll hear the quiet. It will feel different than you've known...the sunrises and sunsets will be more special.
    Don't give up! Go someplace far, far away and then tell us all about it!

  3. Replies
    1. Appreciate that. Sunset bouncing off of a storm front moving through:-)

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you for stopping by! We are lucky to live in such a beautiful area:-)
